
《逃亡》是一部优秀的剧情 动作 惊悚 犯罪 海外 喜剧 动画 动漫电影 类型的电视剧,主要演员有:亨弗莱·鲍嘉 劳伦·白考尔 沃尔特·布伦南 《逃亡》剧情简介:

Nikolai Markin, a police captain, is sent on a mission into the taiga, in the colony. But to get to the place he was not fated: just a few kilometers away from the barbed wire he sees prisoners who escaped from behind bars. Without a moment's hesitation, Markin is sent to the chase, having with them no victuals, no map, no equipment. Soon the captain says that he himself someon...



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