
《反击[电影解说]》是一部优秀的电影解说 影视解说 类型的影视解说,主要演员有:赵文卓 姜怡伊 陆彭 杰古 帕丽 宋熹 《反击[电影解说]》剧情简介:

  Pangnirtung, Nunavut: A sleepy hamlet nestled in the majestic mountains of Baffin Island in the Arctic Ocean, wakes up to a typical summer day. No School, no cool boys (well... except one), and 24 hour sunlight. But for Maika and her ragtag friends, the usual summer is suddenly not in the cards when they discover an alien invasion threatening Pang. But these teenagers have been underestimated their whole lives, and using makeshift weapons and their horror movie knowledge, they show the aliens you don't fuck with the girls from Pang.




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