
《夺命刺客》是一部优秀的剧情  动作 类型的电影,主要演员有:斯图尔特·惠特曼 狄龙 彼得·库欣 李丽丽 安东·迪夫伦 刘家荣 黄培基 《夺命刺客》剧情简介:Stuart Whitman is Shatter, an international hitman who is hiding out in Hong Kong after he has completed a contract out on an African leader. Shatter soon finds out that everyone wants him dead, including the crime syndicate, the cops and the brother of the African leader he killed. Shatter teams up with a kung fu expert (Ti Lung) to try to get the money that is owed to him. Various double crosses and fight scenes ensue.




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